Welcome to The Rotary Club of Miami Shores website!
The Rotary Club of Miami Shores has been an active Rotary Club since 1950. We strive to commit to "Service Above Self" and to the objectives of the
Rotary Four-Way Test of the things we thing, say, and do:
1) Is it the TRUTH?
2) Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4) Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Some of the projects we have accomplished in the past include:
- Launched the Fly Old Glory Program
- Sponsored Rotary Interact Club
- Sponored students in the Exchange Student Program
- Sponosored a candidate for the Ambassordial Program
- Awarded the J. Patrick Lee Awards to area schools
- Supported the Polio Plus Program, including sending members to India to provide polio immunizations to children
- Supported programs to provide clean water, literacy, and health education worldwide
- Supported various local youth programs
- Working to become a 100% Paul Harris Fellow Club
Each member in our club has made contributions to our community and the world just by being a Rotarian.
We welcome guests to take a look at us, join us for lunch and laughs along with the serious work we do. You may find that you want to be a Rotarian too!
Clarice Kodsi
President, Rotary Club of Miami Shores